The Programmer Disk
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Gordon Dodrill - Feb 4, 1991
Copyright (c) 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, Coronado Enterprises
Coronado Enterprises
12501 Coronado Ave NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87122
Introduction to the TURBO Pascal tutorial Page I-1
Chapter 1 - What is a computer program? Page 1-1
Chapter 2 - Getting started in Pascal. Page 2-1
TRIVIAL.PAS The minimum Pascal program. 2-1
WRITESM.PAS Write something out. 2-3
WRITEMR.PAS Write more out. 2-4
PASCOMS.PAS Pascal comments illustration. 2-4
GOODFORM.PAS Good formatting example. 2-5
UGLYFORM.PAS Ugly formatting example. 2-5
Chapter 3 - The simple Pascal data types. Page 3-1
INTVAR.PAS Integer variables. 3-2
INTVAR2.PAS More integer variables. 3-3
ALLVAR.PAS All simple variable types. 3-3
REALMATH.PAS Real variable math example. 3-4
INTMATH.PAS Integer variable math example. 3-4
BOOLMATH.PAS Boolean variable math example. 3-4
CHARDEMO.PAS Character variable demonstration. 3-6
CONVERT.PAS Data type conversion. 3-6
EXTINT.PAS Extended integer types. 3-6
EXTREAL.PAS Extended real types. 3-7
Chapter 4 - Pascal loops and control structures. Page 4-1
LOOPDEMO.PAS Loop demonstration. 4-1
IFDEMO.PAS Conditional branching. 4-2
LOOPIF.PAS Loops and If's together. 4-3
TEMPCONV.PAS Temperature conversion. 4-4
DUMBCONV.PAS Poor variable names. 4-4
REPEATLP.PAS Repeat until structure. 4-4
WHILELP.PAS While structure. 4-5
CASEDEMO.PAS Case demonstration. 4-5
BIGCASE.PAS Bigger case example 4-6
Chapter 5 - Pascal procedures and functions. Page 5-1
PROCED1.PAS Simple procedures. 5-1
PROCED2.PAS Procedures with variables. 5-3
PROCED3.PAS Multiple variables. 5-5
PROCED4.PAS Scope of variables. 5-7
PROCED5.PAS Procedure calling procedures. 5-7
FUNCTION.PAS An example function. 5-8
RECURSON.PAS An example with recursion. 5-9
FORWARD.PAS The forward reference. 5-9
PROCTYPE.PAS The procedure type. 5-10
FUNCTYPE.PAS The function type. 5-11
Chapter 6 - Arrays, types, constants, & labels. Page 6-1
ARRAYS.PAS Simple arrays. 6-1
ARRAYS2.PAS Multiple arrays. 6-2
TYPES.PAS Example of types. 6-3
CONSTANT.PAS Example of constants. 6-4
LABELS.PAS Label illustration. 6-6
Chapter 7 - Strings and string procedures. Page 7-1
STRARRAY.PAS Pascal strings. 7-1
STRINGS.PAS TURBO Pascal strings. 7-1
WHATSTRG.PAS What is a string? 7-2
Chapter 8 - Scalars, subranges, and sets. Page 8-1
ENTYPES.PAS Enumerated types. 8-1
SUBRANGE.PAS Scaler operations. 8-2
SETS.PAS Set operations. 8-3
FINDCHRS.PAS Search for characters. 8-4
Chapter 9 - Records. Page 9-1
SMALLREC.PAS A small record example. 9-1
BIGREC.PAS A large record example. 9-2
VARREC.PAS A variant record example. 9-5
Chapter 10 - Standard Input/Output. Page 10-1
WRITELNX.PAS Generalized output statements. 10-1
READINT.PAS Read integers from keyboard. 10-2
READREAL.PAS Read reals from keyboard. 10-3
READCHAR.PAS Read characters from keyboard. 10-3
READSTRG.PAS Read a string from keyboard. 10-4
PRINTOUT.PAS Print some data on the printer. 10-4
Chapter 11 - Files. Page 11-1
READFILE.PAS Read and display this file. 11-2
READDISP.PAS Read and display any file. 11-3
READSTOR.PAS Read and store any file. 11-4
READINTS.PAS Read an integer data file. 11-6
INTDATA.TXT Integer data file. 11-6
READDATA.PAS Read a mixed data file. 11-7
REALDATA.TXT Real data file. 11-7
BINOUT.PAS Write a binary file. 11-8
BININ.PAS Read a binary file. 11-10
Chapter 12 - Pointers and dynamic allocation. Page 12-1
POINT.PAS First pointer example. 12-1
POINT2.PAS A new kind of pointer. 12-3
POINTERS.PAS Example program with pointers. 12-3
DYNREC.PAS Dynamic record allocation. 12-6
LINKLIST.PAS An example linked list. 12-8
Chapter 13 - Units in TURBO Pascal Page 13-1
AREAS.PAS Areas of geometric shapes. 13-1
PERIMS.PAS Perimeters of geometric shapes. 13-4
GARDEN.PAS User of above units. 13-4
SHAPES.PAS User of above units. 13-4
Chapter 14 - Encapsulation & Inheritance Page 14-1
ENCAP1.PAS First Encapsulation 14-1
ENCAP2.PAS More Encapsulation 14-5
INHERIT1.PAS First Inheritance 14-7
VEHICLES.PAS An Object in a Unit 14-10
CARTRUCK.PAS Descendant Objects 14-10
INHERIT2.PAS Inheritance in Use 14-11
INHERIT3.PAS Pointers and Arrays 14-11
Chapter 15 - Virtual Methods Page 15-1
VIRTUAL1.PAS No Virtual Yet 15-1
VIRTUAL2.PAS Virtual Methods in use 15-2
VIRTUAL3.PAS Virtuals and Pointers 15-3
PERSON.PAS An Ancestor Object 15-4
SUPERVSR.PAS Descendant Objects 15-4
EMPLOYEE.PAS Using Virtual methods 15-5
Chapter 16 - Complete example programs. Page 16-1
AMORT1.PAS Start of amortization program. 16-1
AMORT2.PAS Better amortization program. 16-1
AMORT3.PAS Useable amortization program. 16-1
AMORT4.PAS Neat amortization program. 16-1
AMORT5.PAS Complete amortization program. 16-2
LIST.PAS List Pascal programs. 16-3
LIST.EXE Ready to use list program. 16-3
TIMEDATE.PAS Get time and date. 16-3
SETTIME.PAS Set a file's time and date. 16-4
OT.PAS Directory list program. 16-4
OT.DOC How to use OakTree. 16-4
The author of this tutorial began programming in 1961 using FORTRAN
on an IBM 1620. Since then, most of his career has been involved
with designing digital logic for satellite application. In 1983,
being somewhat burned out with logic design, he began a study of
some of the more modern programming languages and has since made
a complete career shift to software development. After learning
Pascal, C was studied, followed by Modula-2 and Ada, and more
recently C++. Rather than simply learning the syntax of each new
language, modern methods of software engineering were studied and
applied to effectively utilize the languages. He is currently
employed by a large research and development laboratory where he
continues to study, teach, and apply the newer programming